Finish It: Timed To-Do List & Task Manager

Educación Productividad Productividad Educación
Desarrollador gary rodgerson
0.99 USD

Steeped in brain science, Finish It allows you the flexibility to more effectively work and study how you want.
*drag & drop intuitive design
*push notification reminders to stay on task
*maximizes CPU and battery life
*no distracting sounds or animations
*simulates deadlines to pressure you to focus

-write out your to-do list

-allot time for each item you have to get done

-push start and watch your first task drop into the hourglass

-when there is 5 minutes left in your task, youll receive a push notification reminding you to wrap up or add more time

-when the time has run on your first task, youll receive a push notification reminding you to start the next task.

Finish It helps you organize your day, stay focused, and get stuff done.